Hey There,

I'm Kevin.

I've always loved photography and from an early age, I've always been behind a camera of some sort. The challenge of composition and the beauty of seeing the world through a camera lens while trying to capture what the human eye sees is exhilarating and brings me much joy. In April of 2020, I lost my mother suddenly and unexpectedly after a kidney transplant. I began to pick up my camera again as a way to channel my grief. My passion for photography was transformed, born anew out of her ashes. It is my hope that I can help bring your vision to life. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or inquiries you may have.

Thanks for stopping by,

Kevin, The Soaring Phoenix


Joy In The Mourning

Joy In The Mourning

Taken on April 9, 2021, the one year anniversary of my mom's death - at about the same time of day. This work has been featured in printed Gurushots exhibitions in Hanoi, Stockholm, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, and Lisbon. This print is also available for sale in the portfolio gallery.


Hope on the eventide

Taken on May 2, 2022, at sunset, this companion piece of "Joy In The Mourning" is a 6 shot stack of 2 minute 45 second long exposure shots. This photo has been selected to be featured as part of a six week Printed Gurushots exhibition at the Bridgeport Art Center in Chicago, Illinos This print is also available for sale in the portfolio gallery.

Annular Hazed

Annular Haze

Taken on June 10, 2021, on the morning of the Annular Solar Eclipse at Huntington Beach Reservation in Bay Village, OH. This photo gives us a glimpse of Downtown Cleveland, OH through the early morning haze. It has been featured in Digital Gurushots Exhibitions in Johannesburg, SA and Chicago, IL. This print is also available for sale in the portfolio gallery.

And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may livethrough its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rise above its own ashes.

Khalil Gibran