Taking The Fight To The Cancer

Before I was the world famous photographer that I am today (hey... I have followers in other countries for the sake of argument, we'll say that counts) and before I worked at the "World Famous Columbus Zoo and Aquarium," I spent almost a decade working for a local convenience store chain where I met one of the most gracious, generous, and truly beautiful souls I have ever met. It's been about 8 short years since I took her under my wing and developed her into the best boss the Get-Go world has ever seen. In that time, she became more than a co-worker, more than a friend and confidant-- she became the younger sibling I never had. She's always had my back and I will ALWAYS continue to have hers. And, to make the deal sweeter, she and my mom shared a birthday! What's not to love right!?

Last year, my friend and sister was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 26. I can't even begin to imagine the fear that set in when she heard those words. I would assume she was thinking about her two young children and how different and empty their lives would be if she were to lose this literal battle of her life. It may have been her faith which has been a centering force in her life. Whatever her first thoughts were... somewhere in those first thoughts was the word "FIGHT." And fight she has through the chemo treatments, bullshit with her job (even to the point of her missing the Susan G. Komen Walk in Columbus). I'm so very proud to call her a friend and a sister.

Flash forward to late March...

Mercedes messaged me and asked me if I would do photos for her birthday. I happily agreed to do so. She told me she planned to wear pink in honor of her current fight with breast cancer. She actually scheduled the shoot at the Cleveland Arcade in Downtown Cleveland, the day of a chemotherapy appointment. As she was leaving the house, she messaged me and said that she was bringing her wig... I told her to leave it. My instincts were right and despite the lack of long, luxurious locks to quote Katt Williams, she was a BEAUTIFUL as EVER from head to toe. We made magic that day.

In closing, I'd like to remind all of you no matter your race or your gender to seek treatment for anything that seems amiss. You know your body better than anyone else. Be your own advocate, ask questions, seek second opinions. Also remember those regular self-exams -- yes, for the men too. I've provided a few links below with resources if you or someone you love and care about has been recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

Peace and Love

--The Soaring Phoenix